Whenever your SpotOn GPS collar is indoors, it can cause greater GPS drift beyond what is normally expected, leading to false corrections inside your home. If you would like to allow your dog to continue to wear the collar inside, or to come and go from the house without the need to take the collar off, set up a Home Zone. By creating a Home Zone, you designate an area around your home where corrections are disabled, allowing your dog to enter and exit the zone freely without worrying about false corrections that often occur indoors.

A Home Zone may be right for you if your property:

  • Does not have dense tree coverage over or directly next to your home.

  • Has no trees at all.

  • The area surrounding your home has a clear view of the sky with no overhead obstructions.

To create a Home Zone, view our tutorial and follow the instructions below.

Creating a Home Zone

To create a Home Zone, watch the video below and complete the following steps:

  1. After you create a fence, navigate to the "Fences" screen and select the related fence. Select "Edit Fence or Zones."
  2. On the upper-righthand corner of the screen, you will see three icons. The third icon down from the top is the "Create a Zone" button. Tap it and select "Home Zone."
  3. Follow the in-app instructions to create a Home Zone around your house.

Watch this quick video to make a Home Zone.

If you are unsure of whether a Home Zone may be possible for your property feel free to ask one of our agents at support@spotonfence.com